I met Natalie when I was 18 years old on my first day of beauty school, we turned around at the
EXACT same time and asked each other the
EXACT same question, and became pretty much inseparable the
EXACT same day. Natalie and I have been through all sorts or things with each other, she essentially watched me grow up....first time on my own, first time I was able to make my own grown up decisions, and in a sense she became like a big sister to me....making sure that I never got too carried away with all of my new found freedom!She has an infectious personality and whether she is sad or happy you almost always "feel" her emotions with her. I have had so many moments with her where we were laughing so hard we could hardly breathe, and unfortunately we have been through some times where we were just as short of breath from crying. We fight like sister, we confine in each other like sisters, and just like sisters I know that without a doubt in 50 years I will still know exactly where she is, what she is doing, and all of the crazy details in between. It's really rare to find someone who you can say exactly what is on your mind to good or bad and expect the same from them. It is really rare to find someone who you feel like so completely and totally accepts you for who you are whether you are in the right or the wrong....that if you had to call them at 3 in the morning with an "
OMG I have a body in my back yard" type moment....their only question would be, "How big of a shovel do you think I should bring?". That is what I have with Natalie....I'm not saying I'm ever going to have a body in my back yard....I'm just saying it's nice to have someone I know I could count on if I did. LOL.
I love you, I am thankful for you, and I am so glad that you are one of my very best friends. You will never probably fully understand just how bright you shine, or how strong you are. Everyone who comes in contact with you, has in a sense come in contact with one of the most honest, open, caring people that they will ever have the pleasure of meeting, and I for one am glad that I have you on my side, and that you ALWAYS have me on yours.
The Contagious Type of Laughter
And the Dead Sexiness....at it's very best
AND ON A TOTALLY SEPARATE SHOOT.....being demonstrated perfectly the "softer" side of Natalie....or as Elijah calls her Mom
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